
StudyVillage combine professional student mentors, and tools that couple self-assessment with the professional views of accredited social workers.
Our student supporters are degree-qualified in social work, counselling, or clinical psychology and have undergone specialist training and certification in the international student experience.
StudyVillage was created to fill a crucial gap in the experience and support framework for students. Our mission, is to support universities and colleges’ effort to support their students.
Sometimes it involves working with and within university programs. At other times it is working independently, but in all instances, it’s a complimentary effort, always focused on students’ best outcomes.
StudyVillage’s founding directors have worked extensively in the university sector, in research, international development and student support. They have a hard-won understanding of the challenges international students face when studying abroad.
We have partner representatives in 10 countries throughout the world and deploy Student supporters in over 40 cities in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.  We have a select group of agent representatives in 15 countries throughout the world.

Caring professionals looking out
for a families’ loved ones,

a true village!